Had it not been for her intuitive rescue pup, Lauren Gauthier, founder of Magic's Mission, may have never gone to the doctor.
“I am so thankful for Victoria. She and I have always had a close bond and she senses when I’m upset or stressed; I had no idea she’d be able to detect that I had cancer lurking underneath my skin,” Gauthier said. “What is particularly rewarding is that I adopted her through the rescue that I founded, and devote much of my life to saving hounds who have been abused or neglected. It seems Victoria and her keen skills are the way that the hounds decided to give back to me.”

She is now warning teens and adults alike to stay away from the tanning bed where she thinks the skin cancer may have stemmed from.
“My advice for teenagers and others considering tanning bed use is – don’t. There are many other options available, like spray tans, to help improve cosmetic appearance,” she said. “The cost and the damage you do to your skin is way too high, and even though growing older seems a world away, once you are older, you will pay a price for tans and tanning beds.”
Gauthier would also like to let everyone know that while her surgery has altered her appearance, she is feeling better every day.
“You will heal,” she said.
Original Article: www.lovewhatmatters.com/my-dog-was-so-persistent-rescue-dog-detects-cancer-on-owners-nose-saves-her-life/